Top 9 tips to secure your website from hackers

Top 9 tips to secure your website from hackers by Fabrizio Moreira.  Available from <> [May 04, 2017]

From credit card information to email id to phone number to SSN, online users are constantly sharing their confidential data on different websites over the web. No wonder, they would seek for optimum protection at these virtual outlets.

Your website is your first point of contact with your audience and if your platform shows any security anomaly, they won’t think twice to shift to the rival sites. In fact, website safety issue is one of the major security risks reported by small businesses  in the modern digital world and one has to be really particular in this regard.

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Follow These 6 Crucial Tips to Stay Safe from Virus and Malware

Follow These 6 Crucial Tips to Stay Safe from Virus and Malware.  Available from <

Having an anti-virus software installed on your PC is a great way to keep it secure but at times infected files are able to surpass that security layering and enter your database undetected.

Some people run their PC with anti-virus software and still manage to get a virus on their systems, while some others do not use an anti-virus suite at all and still manage to stay safe.

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Top 5 cyber security tips for internet savvy users

Top 5 cyber security tips for internet savvy users by Anas Baig.  Available from <> [March 03, 2017]

More and more people are gaining access to the internet with every passing day. This increase in the digital crowd also means that hackers and malicious individuals now have a bigger target to aim for.

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How to set up a VPN for secure, private browsing & access to blocked content

How to set up a VPN for secure, private browsing & access to blocked content by Roland Waddilove .  Available from <> [Feb 23, 2017]

If you’re concerned about online privacy or are trying to access content that is blocked in the country you’re in, you might be interested in using a VPN. Here we explain what is a VPN, and show you how to set up a VPN for private browsing or for accessing blocked content.

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Ten tips to help beat the hackers and stay safe online

Ten tips to help beat the hackers and stay safe online By .  Available from <> [Feb 15, 2017]

There’s no doubt that 2016 was a turbulent year for the Internet. A record number of large scale hacks and data breaches exposed consumers to the darker side of the online world, with 4,149 breaches uncovering over 4.2 billion records of personal data. That’s almost 3.2 billion more records than the previous all-time high of 1.1 billion from 2013.

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