8 Tips for Dominating Online Sales

8 Tips for Dominating Online Sales by Sheila Eugenio.  Available from <https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/281591> [April 22, 2017]

In the last decade, online shopping has grown from a convenience to a necessity. Before the internet, shopping involved a process of getting ready, driving through traffic and navigating through a crowded retail store that may or may not have the necessary item. The digital age has changed everything about shopping. Now, shoppers don’t even need to get out of bed to get the items they want.

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4 ways you can improve your website conversion rate with SEO

4 ways you can improve your website conversion rate with SEO by  Available from <http://marketingland.com/4-ways-can-improve-website-conversion-seo-211144> [April 6, 2017 at 11:55 am]

Efforts to drive more traffic and rank better on search engines sometimes seem to be in conflict with those for increasing conversion rates for your website. But, as improved user experience becomes a stronger criterion for search engines, search engine optimization and conversion rate optimization are becoming a complementary, multistep process in marketing your business.

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The best free VPNs 2017

The best free VPNs 2017 by Mike Bedford.  Available from <http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/test-centre/internet/best-free-vpns-2017-3613860/

A VPN is essential if you’re concerned about privacy and want to make sure that you’re safe when you connect to public WiFi. There are other benefits to using a VPN too. Free VPNs are available, but some have their drawbacks. Read on to find out about free VPN options and whether they’re right for you.

If you want to find out more about how VPNs work and what you can use them for, you can check out our ultimate round-up of the best VPNs including the best paid-for options.

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Cloud security still a work in progress

Cloud security still a work in progress by , Network World.  Available from <http://www.networkworld.com/article/3183546/security/cloud-security-still-a-work-in-progress.html> [MAR 21, 2017 7:45 AM PT]

Cybersecurity professionals admit that they still don’t have the right skills, processes and monitoring capabilities for cloud security. Suggestions?

A few years ago, ESG (and other) research indicated that security concerns posed the biggest impediment for more pervasive use of cloud computing. What happened next?  Business executives and CIOs found that cloud agility, flexibility and potential cost savings were too good to pass up, creating a “cloud or bust” mentality. Naturally, CISOs had to do their best and go along for the ride whether they were ready or not.

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The Marketing Edge – 5 blogging tips to improve SEO

The Marketing Edge – 5 blogging tips to improve SEO.  Available from <http://www.themaineedge.com/biz/the-marketing-edge/the-marketing-edge-%E2%80%93-5-blogging-tips-to-improve-seo> [March 15, 2017]

Do you have a brand-new website? Ensuring your web pages are optimized for search engines is the first step in the search engine optimization (SEO) process. Choosing relevant keywords, making sure those keywords are repeated through your content, and specifying title tags, meta descriptions and more can give your website a solid foundation to build from, but did you know that there are blogging tips to improve SEO?

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